Cloud servers are the most common way in for cyberattacks

New data unveiled by the Atlas VPN team shows that cloud servers are now the number one way in for cyberattacks on businesses, with 41 percent of companies reporting them as the first point of entry.
The data, based on the Cyber Readiness Report 2022 by insurer Hiscox, also shows a 10 percent increase in cloud server attacks over the year before.
Lat year's top attack vector, corporate-owned servers, now occupies the third spot on the list with 37 percent of businesses reporting them as the main cyberattack entry method. Second belongs to business emails, named as the main access point for attackers by 40 percent of businesses.
In total, 48 percent of companies report experiencing at least one cyberattack in the last 12 months. Even with a 60 percent higher cybersecurity spending, cyberattacks rose by five percent compared to the year before.
The Netherlands seems to be most targeted, with 57 percent of companies having experienced cyberattacks in the last 12 months. Organizations in the Netherlands have also seen the most significant rise in cyberattacks, up by 16 percent.
France is next with 52 percent suffering attack, up three percent. Attacks on businesses in Spain dropped by two percent to 51 percent, while i In the US 47 percent suffered attacks, an increase of seven percent.
UK businesses saw the lowest percentage of cyberattacks among the surveyed countries (42 percent), but tops the charts for the median cost of all attacks ($28,000).
You can read more on the AtlasVPN blog.
Image Credit: Chaiyapop Bhumiwat / Shutterstock