59 percent of DevOps teams struggle with complex deployments

A new study of 400 software engineering and operations professionals by continuous deployment specialist Armory shows that 80 percent rate ensuring reliable deployments as their top priority.
However, 59 percent say that overly complex deployment to multi-cloud environments is the top app development and deployment issue their engineering team needs to address.
The top three metrics tracked to measure software deployment quality are customer satisfaction, competitive response and financial results and return to stakeholders.
More than half of respondents have chosen to use continuous deployment because of the ability to scale people, technology and process efficiently; lower staffing costs through time saved on manual tasks; streamline complex workflows and keep apps constantly updated to increase customer satisfaction.
When it comes to enterprise deployments, among IT leaders 82 percent say ensuring reliable deployments is their top app development and deployment priority. Just nine percent say releasing faster than their competitors is a top priority. Multi-cloud has become the norm too, with 54 percent using multiple public clouds and one private cloud, while 23 percent use multiple private clouds and one public.
Looking at the pain points which developers suffer, the average team works with more than 20 deployment environments, with GitHub and GitLab being the most common ways teams trigger their deployments. The most common issue reported is too many manual steps. About half of respondents also cite a lack of consistency and the inability to easily deploy new software versions alongside old ones. Poor processes and workflows are the primary cause of these challenges, followed closely by developer talent and the organization's tech stack.
"This report highlights the continuing challenges and emerging needs of the developer community. Armory is dedicated to innovating solutions to solve critical problems and remove deployment demands on developers," says Jim Douglas, CEO of Armory.
The findings from the study are divided into three reports looking at software deployment, enterprise scale deployments and continuous deployment all available from the Armory site.
Photo Credit: anathomy/Shutterstock