Manjaro Linux 23.0 'Uranos' is here with GNOME, Plasma, and XFCE editions

The developers of Manjaro have delivered version 23.0 of the operating system, and this time, it's code-named “Uranos.” Following the lauded release of Talos in April 2023, the developers at Manjaro haven't taken a moment's rest. Whether you're in the GNOME, Plasma, or XFCE camp, there’s a lot to unwrap, so let's dive in.
First on our list is the GNOME edition, which has been tuned to the melodious notes of the GNOME 44 series, a release that originally made its debut back in March. The point releases from 44.1 to 44.4 have each added their own layer of polish and precision, and for those interested in the details, the release notes are your go-to source.
Now let's talk about the grid view in the file chooser. Long has this feature been sought by GNOME users who prefer selecting files based on thumbnails rather than just names. The grid view has been met with overwhelmingly positive reviews and is sure to be a welcome addition to your desktop experience.
Another noteworthy update is in the area of accessibility settings. These settings have been redesigned to make them easier to navigate, divided into distinct sections for better clarity. Videos have also been added to the mouse and touchpad settings, making these features not just visually appealing but also easier to understand.
Software experience in GNOME 44 has also been given a touch of smoothness. Pages in the software categories now load more quickly, offering a fluid experience that allows you to browse software with minimal interruptions.
For those who lean more towards KDE, the Plasma edition arrives with Plasma 5.27 LTS and KDE Gear 23.08. This edition offers a window tiling system, allowing for a more organized desktop space. System settings have also been decluttered. The settings for animations, for instance, have been moved to the Cursors page, making it easier for users to find what they’re looking for.
And let’s not overlook the elephant in the room—Wayland. The transition to this new display server technology has been challenging, but the hard work is clearly paying off. Wayland's capabilities are being realized more fully, thanks to numerous bug fixes and reliability improvements.
Dolphin 23.08 is up next, with intelligent design changes that make file management a breeze. For example, backup and temporary files are hidden automatically to offer an uncluttered view. In addition, the newly renamed Kalendar, now known as Merkuro, joins other improved KDE utilities like Skanpage and Itinerary to round out an impressive software suite.
XFCE is by no means forgotten. The Thunar file manager now offers a file highlighting feature, making it easier to locate specific files among a plethora of similar ones. The panel has received a fresh set of preferences, including the ability to set its length in pixels rather than percentages. And the Control Centre, with its revamped modules for system management, is becoming a central hub for XFCE users.
This release runs on Kernel 6.5, providing robust performance and compatibility. But Manjaro hasn’t left those with older hardware behind; Kernel 6.1 LTS and 5.15 LTS are also on offer for those in need.
Whether you prefer GNOME, are partial to Plasma, or have a soft spot for XFCE, there’s a version of Manjaro 23.0 Uranos for you. So why wait? Dive in, explore, and don’t forget to give your feedback to the Manjaro team. You can download an ISO here.
Image credit: 3Dalia / Shutterstock