How the internet is keeping over 50s alive

We hear a lot about the negative aspects of the internet, but a new report from Atlas VPN shows that internet users aged 50 and older have a 33 percent lower risk of death than non-users.
Older adults who use the internet have a 19 percent lower risk of a stroke than those who do not, while internet use among individuals aged 50 and above is also associated with a 17 percent lower risk of diabetes.
Internet users in the US have a 42 percent lower risk of death than non-users and Europeans who use the internet have a 40 percent lower risk of mortality. This is because utilizing web resources on maintaining diet, activity, and routine health screenings allows users to better monitor and safeguard their health.
Vilius Kardelis of Atlas VPN says, "Increasing internet access for older adults appears as a promising approach to reduce risks of cardiovascular diseases and premature mortality mediated by relieving depressive symptoms. But societies must ensure underprivileged older citizens share the connectivity perks while remaining aware of risks such as internet addiction."
The degree of risk reduction does vary between regions. Older adults who use the internet in China are 30 percent less likely to get diabetes or have a stroke than non-users. In addition, they have a 44 percent lower risk of mortality. Meanwhile Mexicans aged 50 and above who use the internet have only an eight percent lower risk of diabetes, one percent lower odds of stroke, and a nine percent lower risk of death.
If the web has helped you to survive this far you can read more on the Atlas VPN blog.
Photo Credit: Jim David/Shutterstock