Microsoft lies to you if you ask how to uninstall Microsoft Edge

There are plenty of people who do not use Microsoft Edge -- it is a long way from being the most popular browser out there. And just like Internet Explorer before, there are also plenty of people who hate Edge so much that they want to uninstall it.
As there is no obvious way to do this if you take a look through the options in Windows, you might well search online for instructions. Search Bing (or the Start menu) for “how to uninstall Microsoft Edge” and there’s an entry at the top of the results that links to the office “Uninstall Microsoft Edge”. This really is an official Microsoft page, bearing the description: “Learn how to uninstall Microsoft Edge from your device”. But this is a blatant lie from Microsoft.
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The URL for the Uninstall Microsoft Edge page is, with both the title and the address suggesting that learning how to banish Edge from your computer is precisely what you will learn here. The full description for the page which appears in Bing results is:
Learn how to uninstall Microsoft Edge from your device, but be aware of the features and benefits that you will lose. Compare Microsoft Edge with other browsers and see why it is the smarter choice.
Head to the page, however, and there is not one single reference to getting rid of Edge. The word “uninstall” does not appear once. There are no instructions. It is just an ad for Microsoft Edge, telling visitors how great the browser is - - and, of course, Microsoft also pushing Copilot.
The discrepancy between what the page proclaims to offer and the reality of the contents was first spotted by PC World, and it is hard to describe the tactics being used by Microsoft to discourage people from abandoning Edge as anything other than lies.