Blockbuster Total Access to include video games

While the main difference between Total Access and Netflilx was the ability for Blockbuster subscribers to return their movies to a physical store if they chose, today the gap between the two services increased.
Blockbuster's Total Access program is the video store's answer to Netflix's by-mail DVD trade. Today, Blockbuster announced it will be renting video games in the Total Access program, putting them in competition with not only Netflix, but Gamefly as well.
Today marks the launch of the pilot program, and the company intends for a nationwide rollout by the rapidly approaching second quarter of 2009. The program will include Wii, PS2, PS3, Xbox, and Xbox 360 titles for rent. Gamefly offers all those systems and also includes the PSP, Nintendo DS, and Gameboy advance, as well as the Nintendo Gamecube.
Blockbuster Total Access plans cost between $9.99 and $19.99 per month, and Total Access Premium plans range from $21.99 to $34.99 per month. An additional tier that includes video games has not yet been unveiled.
Gamefly's by-mail game rental service costs between $15.95 and $36.95 per month.