Google: We're activating 300,000 Android phones daily

Android activations have now surpassed 300,000 per day which equals the number of activations for Symbian worldwide, according to data provided by Google. It also indicates that the now near-continuous stream of new Android phones is having a positive effect on sales overall.
Back in October, Google CEO Eric Schmidt said the company was activating about 200,000 phones per day. The new number also comes from Google's engineering chief Andy Rubin, who tweeted it on Wednesday night. It is not out of the question to think that Android may become the top platform in the world early next year.
Such a milestone shouldn't come as too much of a surprise: analysts have been expecting this to happen for quite awhile now. However, the speed at which it has happened -- a fivefold increase in just the last year alone -- likely gives its competitors some pause, if not cause for concern.
Surveys show that Android is now comprising about half of all smartphone sales in the US in the third quarter, and comScore found that the OS had nearly 15 percent of the worldwide market in October.
Apple may have one last salvo to fire against Android that could slow down its plans for taking over the top spot. First, it is believed that AT&T's exclusivity on the iPhone expires in 2011, which could lead to a significant increase in sales. Add to this the release of the fifth-generation iPhone, and Cupertino might be able to stunt Android's growth, however briefly.