Ian Barker

Only 19 percent of manufacturing leaders are confident of their cyber defenses

New research into the manufacturing threat landscape from Trustwave finds that just 19 percent of manufacturing industry leaders are confident in their cyber defense mechanisms.

The research documents the attack flow utilized by threat groups, exposing their tactics, techniques, and procedures. From email-borne malware to the exploitation of SMB and DCOM protocols for lateral movement, these persistent threats pose significant risks to the manufacturing sector.

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2023 Call for Code winners announced

The sixth annual Call for Code Challenge launched back in February with a focus on developing AI-powered technology projects that address sustainability to help fight climate change.

Today sees IBM, United Nations Human Rights, and the Linux Foundation announce the winners in the challenge's three categories -- Developer, University, and Independent Software Vendor/Startup.

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Cisco launches AI security assistant for enterprises

Cisco logo

As cyberattacks continue to evolve so defenses need to change to keep up. In many cases that means adopting AI.

Enterprise networking and security company Cisco is the latest to embrace this with launch of Cisco AI Assistant for Security.

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Network security is ripe for automation -- except when it isn't [Q&A]

According to one analyst estimate, the market for network automation tools will grow nearly 23 percent annually from 2022-2030.

While many IT professionals are familiar with automation of business processes, they are likely less familiar with its applications in network operations (NetOps) and security. As automation technology is maturing, organizations are using network automation solutions to transform their core workflows, including troubleshooting, change management and network security, for more efficient and effective network operations.

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AI and automation are top enterprise priorities


According to a new report from Digitate 90 percent of IT decision-makers plan to deploy more automation, including AI, in the next 12 months.

Based on a survey of 601 US-based IT decision-makers in organizations with more than 1,000 employees and conducted with Sapio Research, the study finds 26 percent of respondents plan to implement machine-operated tasks that require limited human input or fully transition to autonomous systems in the next five years.

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Automation of software security functions soars


The use of automated security technology is growing rapidly according to the latest edition of the annual Building Security In Maturity Model (BSIMM) report from Synopsys.

The research also shows that there's a move towards a 'shift everywhere' culture -- which means performing security tests throughout the entire software development life cycle -- across more organizations.

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36 percent of IT workers worry that AI will take their jobs

A new study finds that 36 percent of IT workers are very concerned that generative AI tools will take their jobs in the next five years, this is 17 points higher than for other office workers.

However, the report from Ivanti finds office workers are six times more likely to say that generative AI benefits employers than employees.

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Software testers turn to AI to improve productivity

Software testing

A new global study of over 1,600 software testers reveals that 78 percent have already adopted some form of AI to improve productivity.

The report from LambdaTest also shows companies are working to respond to the need for greater software reliability with 72 percent of organizations involving testers in 'sprint' planning sessions, signaling a substantial shift towards software quality being considered earlier in the software development lifecycle.

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The risks of public Wi-Fi and how to stay safe [Q&A]

Public wi-fi

The demands of daily lives increasingly mean that we want to be connected wherever we are. Add in the shift to hybrid working and we’re likely to want to be in touch with the office all the time too.

That makes the lure of free public Wi-Fi, whether it's in a coffee shop, a hotel or an airport, hard to resist, especially if you have a limited data allowance on your mobile contract. But of course using public networks always comes with a side order of added risk.

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Google begins deleting inactive accounts

Starting from today, a new Google inactive account policy comes into effect which means that accounts that haven't been active for two years will be deleted.

So, what counts as 'activity'? Google provides a helpful list:

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Why you need a multi-layered strategy to secure the cloud [Q&A]

cloud security

Recent cyber attacks have seen not just the usual monetary motives but also the rise of espionage attempts with attacks on government officials.

So how can organizations, both public and private sector, protect their most valuable assets? We spoke to Glenn Luft, VP of engineering at Archive360, to find out.

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Demand for developers remains high

Despite difficult economic conditions, software development and quality assurance skills remain a priority for businesses, according to a new study.

Research from the Qt Group looks at the number of vacancies for 'software development', 'software testing', 'software engineering', and 'quality assurance' positions at 30 tech companies which have made the most redundancies this year.

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Brits reach for the phone when seeking support from businesses

New research finds that 69 percent of British adults will contact a business via phone call first before trying other methods when seeking assistance.

The study from telecoms company Gamma Communications shows 38 percent of 2,000 people surveyed say direct phone calls are their preferred method of communication with businesses over other channels such as emails, web chats, social media and video calls.

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Number of cyber extortion victims up by 46 percent

controlling hacker

The cyber extortion threat landscape continues to evolve quickly and the past 12 months have seen the number of victims globally increasing by 46 percent, marking the highest numbers ever recorded.

A new report from Orange Cyberdefense shows large enterprises were the victim in the majority of attacks (40 percent), with those employing more than 10,000 people seeing a steady increase.

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Cloud storage vulnerable to ransomware attacks

New research from Dig reveals that cloud assets like Amazon S3 buckets and Azure Storage accounts are being left open to ransomware attacks thanks to poor configuration.

It shows that only 31 percent of S3 buckets have versioning enabled, an essential for data recovery, while just two-thirds of sensitive buckets have logging enabled, a prerequisite for detection. In addition 72 percent of remote CMK buckets are not actively monitored.

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