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Prioritize InfoSec by prioritizing AI data-monitoring

data search

In a survey of IT professionals, 55 percent of respondents reported that their enterprises receive at least 10,000 security alerts every day; of that group, 49 percent receive more than 1,000,000 security alerts each day. And, more to the point, 96 percent of respondents reported that their security teams feel stressed or frustrated over the volume of security alerts that come in.

It's more than mere humans can bear.

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Three options companies should consider for backup & storage in 2019

Data folders backup

While data backup and storage probably aren’t the first things that come to mind when looking at your IT strategy for 2019, business owners should understand that they are part of your technology foundation and could be key to your success this year. Storage, for example, is the vital base for your cloud and data center, and backup capabilities are a requirement in today’s interconnected world.

We read about it nearly every day: Cyber attacks against businesses of all sizes are on the rise and doing more damage than ever. But there are also physical threats your data faces, too. A fire, flood or other natural disaster can wreak havoc on your data and make recovery virtually impossible unless you have a backup plan in place. What is your business doing to protect your data?

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4 essential elements of ongoing privileged access management -- Why they are important and how to get them right

business security

Privileged access management (PAM) delivers the greatest benefits when it is implemented as a mission rather than to satisfy a limited, one-time mandate. Achieving more complete and proactive protection for privileged accounts requires an ongoing program to add more platforms and accounts and to share more security data with other systems over time. It also requires paying as much, if not more, attention to how PAM affects people and processes as to technology issues.

Without proper ongoing governance, a PAM program can give an organization a false sense of security regardless of their investment in their initial PAM rollout. Here are the essential elements of ongoing PAM governance, why they are important, and how to get them right.

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TechSmith releases Camtasia 2019 with automatic audio leveling

We’ve given up on people reading through instructions supplied with their order. You can write important points in bold and people still ignore what’s supplied. Rather than replying to everyone individually, we’ve found it easier simply record a live demonstration of how to solve a particular issue and send them a video of the results.

You need a quality screen recording tool to produce a video which is professional enough to reflect your business. We recently wrote about Captura 8, which is an excellent freeware screen recording tool, but you’ll want to step up a level or two if you’re recording for paying customers.

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IT's role continues to evolve -- here's what to expect at your startup

Now that technology is at the core of all business activities, IT finds itself evolving from having a supporting role to having a more central and crucial one. Even for startups, it's important to effectively define IT's place in the organization given the new realities created by the changing landscapes of technology and commerce.

Consider how dramatically this role has changed. Just over a decade ago, IT leaders were concerned with improving connectivity within the workplace and bringing their organizations online. More recently, they’ve had to worry about things like mobile tunneling, GDPR compliance and optimizing real-time business intelligence dashboards.

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3 document management takeaways from Google Cloud Next 2019

In early April, more than 30,000 attendees gathered in San Francisco at Google Cloud Next to hear a variety of new announcements and innovations as told through product reveals, break-out sessions and keynote speakers. Included in the long list of what’s to come were several key features that will substantially impact document management on G Suite.

I’ve narrowed down that information into the following three main takeaways regarding document management and business processes: 

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Empowering the channel to make a success of cloud


In the fast-paced world of the IT channel, choosing the right partner can make or break a business. In an ideal world, the partnership delivers a result that’s greater than the sum of its parts -- after all that’s the whole point of the channel. A successful partnership should mean that customers benefit from outstanding technology, service and support, which in turn brings the partners sustained revenues and opportunities to grow sales. So often, however, partner selection is rushed and it’s unclear how the businesses will work to align their expertise and create a genuinely compelling proposition for customers.

Ineffective partnerships are a real threat to success, and that’s why we’re seeing a real push among Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) towards strategies to empower the channel and recognition that the first steps are selecting the right partners, followed by proactive investment in the ongoing relationship.

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Breaking smartphone attachment before it's too late

sleeping with phone

Who is responsible for breaking our attachment to smartphones and overuse of social media? Is it the government that may pass legislation that has no teeth? Or, is it technology companies that are responsible to shareholders and have a financial incentive to keep us attached? The answer is neither. We -- you and I -- must take the reins on establishing a tech/life balance.

This is especially true for members of my generation, who believe that their use of smartphones and social media is deleterious and will continue to be so in the future. In a recent survey of over 1,000 Millennials from BOLDFISH, 81.1 percent of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that their generation has a problem with smartphone overuse. On a scale of 0-100, respondents rated their concern of social media's impact on future generations at 71.

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Why every enterprise needs data loss prevention for all social media channels

Security leaders face tough decisions when it comes to using social media in the workplace. Social and other digital channels are fundamentally changing the way modern businesses communicate. They’re tied to critical operations ranging from customer support to marketing to internal collaboration. Avoiding them isn’t an option. At the same time, relying on the security and privacy settings of these platforms can leave your company open to a serious incident.

It doesn’t help that social media comes with an enormous attack surface. The sheer scale of message creation on these platforms makes it especially hard to prevent the leakage of private data, like personally identifiable information (PII) and other privileged information. Security teams need to stop relegating social media as a communications channel. It is essentially a public cloud environment, and needs to be protected as such.

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Cloud-to-cloud migrations: Making the user experience seamless through coexistence

A survey published by Gartner in August 2018 found 25 percent of public companies have transitioned to a cloud email platform, with those rates even higher among private companies and SMBs. Now that so many businesses have migrated from on-premises applications to the cloud, the market is now seeing a sharp uptick in the number of cloud-to-cloud migrations, reaching parity and even surpassing on-prem to cloud moves.

One of the biggest drivers of cloud-to-cloud migrations are mergers, acquisitions and divestitures. In this scenario, the buyer needs to merge those new users and data into their environment. In the likely chance the business is running Office 365, this would require performing a tenant to tenant (T2T) migration of workloads including mailboxes, OneDrive or SharePoint instances, personal archives or Personal Storage Tables (PSTs), and any other data associated with users the cloud office suite.

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How to convince your boss to make your job remote

So, you want to work remotely.

You certainly aren’t alone. The concept of telecommuting is becoming more popular on a global scale. Not so long ago, most people thought of work as going to an office, sitting in a cubicle, and staying there from 9 to 5. Technology is changing that concept. In 2018, a study by Switzerland-based company IWG concluded that 70 percent of global professionals work remotely at least once per week. If you are trying to convince your boss to make your job remote, statistics are on your side.

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Avast releases 'Aspen', its most secure browser to date

People tell us they are becoming increasingly wary of using third-party browsers such as those from Opera, Chrome and Firefox. It might come as a surprise, but many average users will opt to stick with their default OS browser, Edge, and a powerful security suite to keep themselves secure.

The question is, is this the most secure way of surfing the web in 2019? Could the connection between your computer and the internet be made more rock solid? Well, Avast certainly thinks so.

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In praise of the autoencoder


When you consider all the machine learning (ML) algorithms, you’ll find there is a subset of very pragmatic ones: neural networks. They usually require no statistical hypothesis and no specific data preparation except for normalization. The power of each network lies in its architecture, its activation functions, its regularization terms, plus a few other features.

When you consider architectures for neural networks, there is a very versatile one that can serve a variety of purposes -- two in particular: detection of unknown unexpected events and dimensionality reduction of the input space. This neural network is called autoencoder.

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Data center and server room considerations: What you need to know

In the rapidly-evolving data-hungry IT environment, data center management is becoming increasingly intensive and complex. Team that with the constant pressure to control costs while increasing efficiency and capacity, data center traffic is projected to more than triple by 2020, driven primarily by our dependence to do business, communicate, and entertain over the Internet.

The immense amount of data needed to support these activities requires not only a growing number of data centers, but new kinds of data center builds, which also necessitates new ways to manage them. In addition, green initiatives driven by power concerns and the implications of size and scale, coupled with the adoption of new technologies, are creating a confluence of often conflicting forces that require new and innovative data center management solutions.

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The biggest data security risk? Downloading data to a spreadsheet

These days, it seems like every time you turn around another company announces a data breach. At the same time, organizations spend millions on their data warehouses, security solutions, and compliance initiatives. But all of that spend can instantly be rendered useless by the everyday business workflow of downloading data to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

Of course, business experts aren’t looking to circumvent enterprise governance practices. They’re just trying to get the answers they need to make better business decisions. And because they lack the SQL programming expertise or extensive training required to work with data directly in most business intelligence (BI) tools, they are often powerless to answer the questions raised in the last meeting or email. So they turn to what they know best: the spreadsheet.

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