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That's classified: Government can continue its data protection leadership

We are living in the data age. Organizations are grappling with a seemingly unending barrage of data and are challenged by how best to use it, store it and secure it. Yet data breaches and leaks continue to happen, despite security regulations becoming stricter in an attempt to help control it.

With that in mind, it’s easy to see why data protection remains a top concern for all organizations. This is especially true for government agencies, which handle some of the most sensitive information in the country. Take the Census Bureau, for example -- public concerns about the security of census data is one of the Bureau’s top issues as it prepares for the 2020 census. Lawmakers have warned that if there were a breach of census data, it could permanently damage public trust and affect the capability of this country to gather essential data in the future.

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Four steps to make your business intelligence teams more relevant

Developer team

The world of analytics is changing. Self-Service Analytical tools like Tableau, Qlik, and Power BI are enabling business users to perform reporting and analytics on their own with little to no support from the IT organization. This trend has evolved due to several factors including:

1)  Organizations are flooded with data and IT organizations are not able to keep up
2)  Easier to use Business Intelligence tools make it more efficient for business users to directly create their reports rather than go through IT for a project
3)  IT organizations analytical projects can take several months when a business needs this information in weeks

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Are APIs becoming the keys to customer experience?

Intelligent APIs

In recent years, APIs have encouraged the emergence of new services by facilitating collaboration between applications and databases of one or more companies. Beyond catalyzing innovation, APIs have also revolutionized the customer-company relationship, allowing it to provide an accurate and detailed picture of the consumer at a time when a quality customer experience now counts as much as the price or capabilities of the product.

Over the years, customer relationship channels have multiplied with consumers who can interact with their brands through stores, voice, email, mobile applications, the web or chatbots. The multiple points of interaction used by customers have made its journey more complex, forcing companies to consider data from these many channels to deliver the most seamless customer experience possible. To do this, they must synchronize data from one channel to another and cross-reference data related to its history with the brand. This is where APIs come into play. These interfaces allow data processing to refine customer knowledge and deliver a personalized experience.

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Why endpoint management is critical to your enterprise security strategy

Endpoint protection

Endpoints make the enterprise run, whether they are laptops or desktops running macOS, Windows or Linux; smartphones or tablets running iOS or Android; virtual machines or IoT devices. They’re found driving business on local networks, in remote offices and in the hands of traveling users.

However, endpoints also make the enterprise vulnerable. They are a favorite target of criminals who launch cyberattacks via ransomware, spyware, phishing and other malicious software. Over the past year alone, critical endpoint vulnerabilities have been discovered in popular OSs and applications and then exploited by WannaCry, Meltdown, Spectre, Petya, Fireball, Bad Rabbit and other harmful code. The challenge facing enterprises, then, is how to minimize the vulnerability of their endpoints and simultaneously maximize their value. While endpoint management is already a widely adopted IT practice, now is the time for IT teams to expand their efforts to include endpoint security. As we’ll see below, combining endpoint management and security can solve some of your most pressing issues.

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How automation will impact education

teacher and students

There has been a lot of hype around how new technologies like automation will impact our way of life. Some live in fear that their jobs will be lost to humanoid robots, while others excitedly welcome bots like Amazon Alexa into their home. The impact of 'robots' -- itself an ill-defined category -- is widely discussed and hotly contested.

In the business world, most industries have much to gain from automation and robotics, but what this looks like in practice is a far cry from the wider speculation.

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IT and the rise of connected cars

Volkswagen recently revealed that it is exploring using an innovative form of distributed-ledger (i.e., blockchain) technology called the IOTA "Tangle" to deliver software updates to its autonomous cars.  The technology may be available to customers as early as Spring 2019. It’s just the latest in a seemingly unending stream of news about connected cars, a broad term that encompasses everything from cars with built-in GPS systems to fully autonomous, AI-driven semi trucks in the emergent IoT space.

While the topics of conversation are spanning everything from legislation to programming ethics, not enough air-time has been devoted to discussing exactly how the arrival of this new technology will change the charter for the IT teams who will be tasked with supporting the future of transportation.

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Advanced SystemCare 12 includes a new privacy shield

Should you keep your system optimized or simply allow Windows to keep your computer in-check? A few years ago, data would build, junk would collate and it was relatively easy to cause a blue screen of death or even stop Windows from booting at all, requiring a system restore.

These days Windows 10 is far better engineered and will do a good job keeping your system maintained. With this in mind, system maintenance suites are turning their hand to security, adding features to enable you to keep yourself safe and secure whilst you browse the internet (although your security software should be more than capable…).

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TeamViewer 14 Preview is here with new augmented reality Pilot mode

We handle support for novice computer users and you’ll be surprised how many of these customers do not understand the basics of computing. Sell them security software and many can’t install the new suite as they’ve never fully removed the previous one. So frustrating.

The easiest solution is to employ TeamViewer and remotely advise the user via their computer, that than either over the phone or by email. It’s quicker to perform a task yourself than guide someone, which has made the software a godsend for any remote support facility.

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Flashback Friday: How two university dropouts created Microsoft

Bill Gates is a legendary figure, and not just in the world of technology. With countless awards and titles attached to his name, he has over the years been consistently recognized as one of the world's wealthiest, most powerful and most influential individuals. Also, anybody who can call themselves a 'philanthropist' in today's world has, more often than not, probably achieved something pretty grand.

However, back in the day, Gates was merely a university dropout with a thirst for hacking computer systems. True, the university was Harvard, but Gates wasn't exactly on course to becoming the multi-billionaire entrepreneur he is today.

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Creating the next generation of cybersecurity leaders

In today’s cybersecurity landscape, the value of good cybersecurity tools is undeniable. What is more valuable are the people behind the tools -- however, the amount of open cybersecurity positions worldwide is growing year over year. Currently, there are more than 300,000 open cybersecurity roles in the U.S. alone, but by 2021, Cybersecurity Ventures expects that number will reach 3.5 million.

This gap is felt by cybersecurity leaders; in fact, a recent study found that more than 70 percent of the cybersecurity decision makers agree that their organizations do not have the staff or necessary resources to monitor all cybersecurity threats that their organizations face. With the number of cybersecurity openings growing yearly and the sophistication and frequency of cyberattacks increasing, in order to build the cybersecurity leaders of tomorrow, business leaders must turn their attention to things that they can control: investing in the right solutions and their staff.

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Can the infosec community ever be as well-organized as digital criminals?

Brian Gladstein, a security marketing strategist at Carbon Black, discussed the question posed in this headline at RSA Conference 2018. In his presentation entitled "Endpoint Security and the Cloud: How to Apply Predictive Analytics and Big Data," Gladstein observes that digital crime is structured like an economy consisting of several tiers. At the top is the "Digirati," a term used by Gladstein for the class of high-ranking controllers responsible for executing digital attacks. The Digirati consists of the ones who hide on the network and gather information, usage patterns, and intel. They then share this information and build upon what knowledge they’ve already gathered from other actors in the online criminal community.

Below the Digirati are the subject matter experts. Malware writers, identity collectors, and individuals who hoard zero-day vulnerabilities and other exploits sit on this level of the digital crime economy. These individuals oftentimes sell access to their goods and services to the next tier, which consists of botnet owners, cashiers, spammers, and other brokers and vendors.

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How voice search is changing the way we shop

Over the years, the way we interact with the world around us has changed considerably. Where once analog and physical interactions ruled, now we value digital, virtual and simulated experiences -- some of which bridge the gap between these worlds.

For example, buying goods online or through a mobile app and then picking them up at a local store is a cross-platform experience for the modern age.

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Love Dynamic Desktop? Move up to 24 Hour Wallpaper

We’ve worked for years with potential eye strain and it’s only recently we’re taking it seriously. The first step was Apple adding a warmer edge to the desktop panel, so by the end of the day you wouldn’t be looking at an LCD displaying sharp blue light.

Mojave introduced Dynamic Desktop, which will transition your wallpaper, so it matches both the time of day, your location and the ever-changing sunrise/sunset. Dynamic Desktop will show a bright wallpaper middle of the day, but by 10pm you’ll be seeing a nighttime scene.

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NightOwl is a must-have app for all Mojave users

Dark mode is a fantastic addition to any operating system, enabling late-night work to more productive. We have the theme switched on as default on Windows 10, which has always suited a darker user-interface.

Apple introduced a system-wide dark mode with Mojave and some of the recent apps look hugely better on a dark background. iPhoto is a very good example, making photos pop on the dark shade and editing easier on the eyes.

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3 questions startup founders should ask about data privacy

data privacy

Modern startups are awash in information, from real-time customer insights collected via mobile applications to employee data received through online portals.

Founders are constantly making decisions about where to invest, when to hire, how to hire and, most importantly, how to grow. In the rush to cultivate clients and consider business scalability, many startups may fail to truly appreciate the immense responsibility that comes with gathering and storing data in the current digital environment, a place where cybercriminals roam and users are painfully aware of the risks that come with sharing private information online.

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