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Stay ahead of cyber threats with effective cybersecurity training

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According to the ESG brief: 2017 Cybersecurity Spending Trends, 45 percent of organizations claim to have a problematic shortage of cybersecurity skills. Another ESG report, The Life and Times of Cybersecurity Professionals, reveals that 27 percent of cybersecurity professionals say that the cybersecurity skills shortage has had a significant impact on their organizations.

Training a capable IT staff to keep their network secure and running amid a growing threat landscape is a business imperative. Here’s a look at what executives need to keep in mind to increase the security posture of their organization through cybersecurity training.

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Are you the target of a Smishing attack?

Internet scam artists have found a new way to deceive user to surrender their personal information. It’s called SMISHING -- when someone tries to trick you into giving them your private information (including user IDs and passwords) via a text or SMS message.

It is an emerging and growing threat, a form of criminal activity using social engineering techniques in the same way Phishing is for email scamming. Smishing may include tricking the user into downloading a Trojan horse, virus or other malware onto their cell phone or other mobile device. Criminals love Smishing because users tend to trust text messages, as opposed to email, of which people are naturally more suspicious.

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Data transformation: The missing ingredient from edge computing strategies

Edge computing

It’s easy to get excited about the Things in the Internet of Things (IoT). Tiny computers, factory robots, devices with 3D cameras, devices with GPS units -- everything from telemetry units on long-haul freight trucks to gumball-size sensors reporting from atop the cooling towers of power plants. The world of network-connected devices, whether specialized or general purpose, is more varied and creative than ever.

The innovation taking place with this hardware is truly impressive. But to take full advantage of the hardware, it’s important to pay just as much attention to the software. Edge computing is going to quintuple the amount of data enterprises collect from devices in just the next three years. quintuple the amount of data that enterprises collect from devices in the next three years alone. How to manage that data and make the most of it -- well, that’s a pretty edgy job.

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Bulletproof IT strategies needed as cloud, IoT adoption climb

Enterprises now acknowledge that technology drives business today. Because of this, IT departments now face plenty of challenges as business processes transition to digital. New technologies such as cloud computing and the Internet of Things (IoT) are also finding more use in enterprise computing as they already have shown to be game-changing advantages for those who adopt them.

Companies are shifting more of their workloads and infrastructure to the cloud to maximize the flexibility that cloud computing provides. However, this also means that IT departments now face new challenges of managing complex hybrid infrastructures.

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Parallels releases Desktop 14 for Mac and it's Mojave ready

Although some of us are keen Mac users, most of our work is produced for the Windows operating system. We manage to achieve this via Parallels running on an iMac or MacBook Pro and, frankly, it’s so fast you really do not need to run Bootcamp.

It never used to be this way. Back in the late 90s, when Apple still used PPC chips, Windows emulation was dire. Beyond dire. Almost unusable. Even for basic tasks. It made far more sense to use Bootcamp when it was released, even after the migration to the Intel chips, if you needed native-like performance for using Windows. Luckily, not now.

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Kaspersky releases Security Cloud Free... and it's very basic

Microsoft appears keen to encourage people to use the latest Windows Defender and, frankly, it’s a more-than-adequate security tool. You’re missing some of the features you’ll find in a paid security suite, such as a VPN or 'safe money' but do you really need those features?

With the above in mind, security developers such as BitDefender and, more recently Kaspersky, are releasing free versions of their security suites, to encourage people to use, gain familiarity and then upgrade. Let’s face it, once you have a security suite on your computer and you receive a fantastic offer, you’re more likely to pay than remove.

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Taking a look back: Where do 2018 wireless predictions stand?

5G, carrier updates, mergers -- we rang in 2018 with a slew of big wireless predictions. But where do these predictions stand now at the year’s halfway point? Let's take a look, starting with a big one -- 5G is coming

Ah, 5G. We’ve read about it, researched it, and heard the predictions that it’ll be available by the end of 2018. But is it all true? Well, AT&T claims it plans to launch 5G in 12 cities -- including Atlanta and Dallas -- by year’s end. The carrier giant has already taken 5G for a test drive with an introduction to visitors of Magnolia Market in Waco, Texas. The trial area, which sees approximately 5,000 visitors each day, was a real-world experiment for AT&T’s new 5G capabilities allowing the company to evaluate performance and visitor response.

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Four ways to prevent an enterprise phishing attack

According to a new FBI report, businesses lost more than $676 million as a result of email fraud in 2017 -- up 88 percent from the year before. Clearly, businesses are losing the war against email scammers, as phishing attacks have become increasingly sophisticated and widespread.

Phishing is a method of social engineering (i.e. deception) used to gain access to a social media account, bank account or another protected resource. Hackers typically use an email or text message to trick the user into providing login information. Once the user reveals a username and password, the attacker will hijack the account. The outcome can be as devastating as a fully drained bank account. Frankly, all individuals and businesses should take phishing seriously.

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Latest version of Marvel Contest of Champions causing iPhones to overheat

If you updated your Marvel Contest of Champions (MCoC) app recently, you might have noticed something -- your phone heating up to the point of not being usable.

Although version 19.0 of the game was supposed to fix some bugs, in reality, it introduced a new problem. Players noticed shortly after downloading the update that their phones started severely overheating when they tried to play the game.

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Knowledge commerce: Building a solid brand with Kajabi

Photo: Petrenko Andriy/Shutterstock

"An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest." -- Benjamin Franklin

The same thought rings true in the online business sphere. Apart from assimilating the best strategies in your field, you also need to build and share your knowledge in order to win your audience’s vote of confidence. Remember, people flock to those who have proven their expertise in their respective niches. It isn’t rocket science: You can’t just expect your visitors to subscribe to your blog, subscribe to your services, or purchase your products if they don’t trust your brand. That’s why marketers invest in branding strategies that not only help them reach their target audience, but also earn their approval by providing valuable content.

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Quickly remove unwanted bundleware using the latest IObit Uninstaller 8

We handle support for people who purchase software and the number one issue we consistently experience is the inability to install updated versions of their favorite software.

There are very basic reasons, too. When you first install your software, you’re often asked to reboot. After this procedure, it’s in use. The application may start when you boot your PC, run in the background, checking your system and much more. When you decide to upgrade, people expect to simply install the latest version on top, forgetting the application is being used and that Windows cannot remove active files.

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LibreOffice 6.1 is here with new Windows icon theme

An office suite is regarded as an essential part of your daily work toolkit, whether you’re a big business or a retired individual wanting to keep on top of daily tasks. So you want to make the right choice, without spending a huge amount of money.

Although it’s too easy to subscribe to Office 365 and use the suite across devices, we sometimes wonder if we really need the functionality? Do you use your word processor for more than a few essential documents or your spreadsheet to manage basic finances? If not, you might as well take a second look at the free LibreOffice.

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The future role of AI in fact checking

As an analyst, I’d like to have a universal fact checker. Something like the carbon monoxide detectors on each level of my home. Something that would sound an alarm when there’s danger of intellectual asphyxiation from choking on the baloney put forward by certain sales people, news organizations, governments, and educators, for example.

For most of my life, we would simply have turned to academic literature for credible truth. There is now enough legitimate doubt to make us seek out a new model or at a minimum, augment that academic model.

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Edge Computing 101

Edge computing

Enterprises today have adopted a cloud-first mentality, and the numbers show it. According to a 2018 Gartner survey, investment is public cloud services will reach $186.4 billion this year, representing 21.4 percent growth from 2017. But there’s growth that is just as exciting and strategic taking place far from the cloud, down at the network edge in the world of end user devices, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and other network-connected systems.

Without strategic management of the network edge, investments in the cloud are going to run into trouble. To be a successful cloud-first enterprise, you need manage both the cloud and the edge equally well. Why is edge computing so important? Let’s take a look.

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Three simple steps to improving security patching

Patch download

The vulnerability scan results security departments issue to the operations teams typically contain hundreds of pages and thousands of vulnerabilities to address. It’s a massive list often containing some prioritization based on the criticality of the vulnerabilities observed; and for some more mature organizations, an assessment and opinion of the security team. Typically, operations teams care about security in the endpoints. But, their job is to guarantee uptime and user satisfaction, which often suffers when deploying patches requires reboots and application restarts. And then there’s the resource constraint issue, like the difficulty of prioritization in a world where everything seems to be urgent, the lack of visibility, questions around ownership and available time, and so on. It’s a tough ask to minimize the risk in the endpoints without a holistic, multi-departmental collaboration focused on specific risk policies and profiles.

Compliance pressure doesn’t help either, because frequently it ends up being just a check-box, and not a mechanism for improving security. Therefore, while the bare minimum is undertaken very reluctantly to satisfy the auditors, there’s still a significant amount of fire drill and distraction from the daily grind.

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