Hark the Herald Androids Sing

So-o-o-o-o, I'm trying to get into the holiday spirit here at BetaNews, which explains posting the Team CoCo video mocking Amazon Kindle Fire. That's one for all you iPad lovers and Apple fans. Retrevo has redone two classic Christmas carols, and, it only seems fair after giving iPad idolaters a present the Android army should get one, too.
Sing along for Android "our newfound king". Given Android's recent market share rise against iOS, that's no idle claim.
Glory to our new found king
Mobile users, far and wide
iPhones now, have been defiledJoyful all ye Androids rise
Join the triumph of the skies
Samsungs here, for me and you,
Galaxy, Though art, S Two
Hark the herald, Androids sing
Glory to our new found king
There's also "I'm Dreaming of a New iPad", but it just didn't grab me as much.
I promise not to post too much of this fluff stuff, but, hey, let's spread some holiday cheer!