Amazon gives a Preview to new content

Amazon Prime, at least the video arm of it, has been rolling along and seemingly gaining momentum recently. New original content has debuted, with some shows picked up for a season run, and more are currently in the pipeline. However, finding this menu of new videos has not always been easy, save when the company displays links on its homepage.
Rather than relying on a fortunate link or a search of the content, Amazon is giving viewers an option to fast-forward straight to what's new, and do so ahead of your friends.
"Amazon Preview is your chance to help create great new original content. As a member, you'll be able to view and provide feedback on movies and TV series before they're available to the general public. If you received an email invite, simply follow the instructions we've provided to join", the site proclaims.
As you can see, this is a bit more than just the pilots we've come to expect, but instead promises real sneak peeks -- as in seeing something before other Prime subscribers have access.
All of this may sound wonderful, but bear in mind that you will need an invitation, and may be waiting a bit to receive it. You can head over to the new site and get yourself on that waiting list now, but your fate remains in the hands of the retail giant.