Walmart to price-match Amazon and other online retailers -- still a hellish nightmare

Many people shop online to save money and avoid tax; who doesn't want to save a buck? However, online shopping is more than just savings; it is a great way to avoid leaving the house too. Don't get me wrong, I like going out to a nice restaurant or the beach, but a trip to the mall or store like Walmart is enough to drive me insane. Human beings can be very annoying and for whatever reason, Walmart appears to attract some of the most annoying. If you take a trip to that retailer, you can expect people that smell, crying children, and for reasons unknown, butt-cracks. Don't ask me why, but Walmart shoppers don't seem to wear belts, so their buttocks often peak out to say hello.
Today, it is revealed that all Walmart stores will begin price-matching Amazon and other online retailers. On the surface, you might think Amazon is in trouble, but I say otherwise -- even if the prices are on parity. I personally would avoid Walmart even if it was beating Amazon's prices, just to maintain my sanity. Getting a package delivered is just easier. Do you agree?
According to Reuters, "Wal-Mart Stores Inc has informed managers of its roughly 5,000 stores across the United States that they can match prices with Inc and other online retailers, the head of the company's U.S. business said on Thursday".
Of course, even people adverse to Walmart such as myself, may travel there in one specific circumstance -- holiday shopping desperation. Parents in particular can get caught up in the hype of popular toys of their children's desire -- remember Cabbage Patch dolls, Tickle Me Elmo and Furby?
The real question is, can Walmart sustain these price-matching techniques? Online retailers can afford to offer lower prices as they have less overhead. Walmart has to maintain brick-and-mortar stores, while paying a large number of employees and advertising. It will be interesting to see if the policy lasts beyond the holidays.
For now, I think online retailers, including Amazon, have nothing to worry about. What do you think?
Photo Credit: bikeriderlondon / Shutterstock