CSVPad is a portable CSV editor

CSVPad is a compact, free and portable editor for CSV and similar files.
The program can handle all kinds of format variations: tab separated, colons, semicolons, pipes, dollars and more. Fortunately you don’t have to worry about the details as by default CSVPad automatically detects and uses the correct format all on its own.
Your target file opens in a table, and you can immediately browse or search it, edit individual fields, maybe extend the file with new records.
There are no calculation functions, no graphs -- CSVPad isn’t a full spreadsheet app, it’s just about handling the data. But you can manipulate it in various ways, reordering rows by dragging and dropping, inserting new rows or columns, duplicating or swapping them, copy and pasting them, or just move your selected rows/ columns around to some new position.
There are one or two surprise bonus features: "Snapshot" saves a JPG of the table, "Search Online" opens a web page with the results of a Google search for the selected cell.
When you’re done, the file can be saved in CSV or with the other supported separators (tab/ colon/ semi-colon etc), or exported as XLS, ODS, XML or HTML.
Put it all together and CSVPad is a handy tool, a useful way to edit CSV and similar files if you don’t have a full-scale spreadsheet editor around. It’s available now for Windows XP and later.