Want to upgrade to a solid state drive? SanDisk SSD Concierge Service can help

Whether you have a laptop or desktop, switching to a solid state drive from a hard disk drive can be one of the best performance upgrades you can make. Your operating system should boot faster, and applications may open faster as well. Laptop users may experience improved battery life too.
Unfortunately, for many consumers, opening their computer for an upgrade can be a scary ordeal. If you have never done such a thing before, this is totally understandable. Luckily, SanDisk is aiming to make this easier for you. Today, the company announces its SSD Concierge Service, making an SSD upgrade far less scary.
"Many customers understand the benefits an SSD can bring to an aging laptop but they also feel anxious about performing an upgrade by themselves. The SanDisk SSD Concierge Service’s step-by-step live support will give consumers the confidence to install an SSD and enjoy the benefits of speed, performance and reliability", said Philippe Williams, director of product marketing, SanDisk.
Williams explains, "once data has been successfully migrated, consumers will have the ability to schedule a video conference via mobile device with a SanDisk technician, who will walk them through the final steps of removing the existing storage device and installing their new SSD. The SanDisk SSD Concierge Service will support all SanDisk consumer SSDs".
The company shares the contents of the box.
- Quick Start Guide
- USB to SATA data cable
- Magnetic screwdriver
- Access to cloning software
- Appointment scheduler and contact info for your expert
Of course, the question becomes, how do you access the video assistance if your computer is off and disassembled? SanDisk offers smartphone video conferencing powered by Cisco WebEx. This is pretty cool.
Best of all, the consumer learns a lesson in the process. Rather than dropping their computer off at a shop and having it done for them, they can install the SSD themselves -- with guidance. In other words, they may learn to fish rather than having some Best Buy Geek Squad punk give them a fish.
So, how much does the service cost? A pretty reasonable $39.99. You can buy the SanDisk SSD Concierge Service kit from Amazon or Tigerdirect.