AIM Gets Part in Upcoming Movie

Is it a simple product placement, or a travesty of film? AOL Instant Messenger has landed a major role in the upcoming terror flick "Cry_Wolf" about a group of high school seniors whose online rumors turn into a terrifying reality. Whatever you call it, it's clear the Web is now a key player in Hollywood.
From "You've Got Mail" to "" to racy chat sessions in "Closer," everyday Internet activity has become intertwined with our culture. AOL's connection with Cry_Wolf began after director Jeff Wadlow won the Million Dollar Film Festival, a year-long film competition sponsored by Chrysler.
AOL's AIM network was selected as the film's instant messaging service, which the students use to spread rumors about a fictional serial killer called "The Wolf." Wadlow was given $1 million to make Cry_Wolf, but the marketing perks could prove much more valuable for those involved.
AOL says it joined Wadlow to come up with a "buzz-building campaign" among teens and horror fans through the instant messaging service and the Web. AOL launched a trivia contest and has created a multi-player strategy game that involves two teams in a chat-centered duel.
Wadlow also setup a blog to discuss his trials and tribulations while making the movie.
Starting September 9, AIM users can message the buddy "AIMCryWolf" to obtain movie showtimes, vote in polls and more. AOL and Chrysler hope this interactive approach to advertising involving instant messaging and wireless communications will bring a larger audience to the cinema.
It's not clear if the killer in Cry_Wolf drives a PT Cruiser.