AMD gives birth to Global Foundries, which is now hiring

AMD's gamble to create the processor production foundry to which it will outsource its own projects, in an effort to scale down while maintaining some measure of control over its production methods, is now offically under way. Global Foundries is the official name of "The Foundry Company," formed by a vote of approval by AMD's shareholders last month.
Its CEO is Doug Grose, previously AMD's Senior Vice President of Manufacturing. His opening message on GF's Web site yesterday put a very thin veil over the reason for his new company's existence: "Who we are and what we do is a direct reflection of trends in the semiconductor industry. Seismic changes in the business, driven by global economics and technology, make the timing right for this new approach to the foundry business."
A check of the jobs database shared by AMD and GF this morning shows that the new entity is hiring 35 high-level positions, including technology and production engineers, field managers, design engineers, IT managers, and systems analysts.