CBS is the last man standing against Hulu

Today marks the beginning of ABC's arrival on Hulu. Last April, Disney's ABC Enterprises jumped aboard NBC Universal and News Corp's increasingly popular video syndication site, and this morning, the first ABC program was rolled out for streaming.

The first ABC show available on Hulu is the drama "Grey's Anatomy," of which five episodes have been posted. For the next two weeks, more content will be added, including episodes of the network's biggest hits like "Desperate Housewives" and "Scrubs." A month before Disney and ABC arrived at a deal with Hulu, the network agreed to first bring its content to YouTube, where it would supply clips of popular shows and short-form episodic content equipped with "different monetization options" than standard YouTube videos.

Hulu, which is accepted as a higher value site for professional content, now has a the lion's share of network support with content coming from NBC, Fox, ABC, and their subsidiaries, while CBS and The CW content is syndicated on CBS-owned Though has posted significant gains in unique views and minute-by-minute engagement for five months straight, according to Nielsen Videocensus, CBS remains the last network standing unaffiliated with Hulu.

Additionally, erstwhile competitor Joost went through several format revisions before the death knell began to sound for that service last week.

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