Data breach forces Mozilla to shut down online store

The Mozilla store has been shut down since yesterday after a security breach was discovered at GatewayCDI, the St. Louis-based third party vendor that runs the back end of the Mozilla Store.
"Mozilla immediately reached out to GatewayCDI and encouraged them to quickly inform individuals whose data had been compromised," The company said in its blog. "GatewayCDI is currently investigating their systems and determining the cause and extent of the breach. Mozilla Store customers who are affected will be contacted directly by GatewayCDI."
The store itself simply says it has been closed for maintenance, and the extent of the data compromise has not been detailed. However, the International Mozilla Store has been shut down too, despite the fact that it is run by a completely different third party.
Mozilla says it will only re-open the store "once we have a satisfactory assurance of ongoing login security and data privacy."