Google Instant provides search results as you type

Google Wednesday launched a new search feature called Google Instant, which offers search results as you are typing your query terms.
Around this time two years ago, Google unveiled Suggest, a feature which predicted what searchers were looking for as it was being typed in the Google search field. Instant takes this a step further and provides the actual results so the user doesn't have to even click "search" or hit enter.
This feature is designed to make searching on Google even faster, the search company says, and that it will save around 2 to 5 seconds per search.
Google Instant will be available in Chrome 5 and 6, Firefox 3, Safari 5 and Internet Explorer 8 beginning today to users in the US, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Russia. It is not yet available in Google subdomains such as News or Image search, but Google says it will be coming in the next few months, as will native browser searches.
Additionally, the Google Instant will be coming to the mobile space and will be available later in the fall.