Odigo Messenger Interoperable with Yahoo

Odigo, Inc., announced today that their popular instant message program, dubbed Odigo Messenger, is now interoperable with Yahoo Messenger. Currently, Odigo supports more messenging services than any other program. These include Yahoo, ICQ and AOL Instant Messenger. A spokesman from Odigo stated, "Adding compatibility with Yahoo! Messenger is another important step toward our goal of providing IM users universal connectivity."
The press release noted, "In addition to providing instant messaging services, the Odigo Messenger also provides voice chat, note posting, chat on every site, detailed personal profiles, buddy lists, URL and file transfer capabilities, visibility filters, mood indicators, firewall compatibility, plus much more - all packed in a sleek user-interface. Additionally, Odigo’s directory shares information about the sites other Odigo users are visiting in real-time. This enables like-minded surfers to easily find and communicate with each other wherever they travel on the web."
Odigo Messenger 2.5 was released earlier this week, which contained support for AOL Instant Messenger and a slew of other features. The Odigo Messenger, and the Odigo interoperability plug-in that enables interoperability with Yahoo! Messenger, can be downloaded for free at
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