Palm LifeDrive Leak Likely Authentic

PalmOne on Monday gave some credence to reports that a new line of PDAs may be coming soon, saying that usage patterns and requests from customers are prompting the company to introduce a new line called "mobile managers." From now on, products from PalmOne will fall into three categories: smartphones, handhelds, and the mobile manager.

On Friday, details of PalmOne's latest addition to its product line, called the LifeDrive, leaked on Amazon. While initial reports called the authenticity of the rumors into question, Monday's announcement suggests that the LifeDrive may indeed be authentic.

According to PalmOne, the mobile manager portion of their product lineup will be directed towards consumers who wish to "take advantage of the trend toward digital everything," meaning a portable unit that would be able to perform the regular uses of a PDA, as well as being able to play music and view images and video.

PalmOne's other two lines would be aimed more at those users who only require the normal everyday functions of a PDA, such as what the company's Zire line already does, or mobile access to e-mail, which the Treo is capable of providing.

"Organization functions were highly valued by nearly all our customers, but some wanted much more business and personal file-management capabilities," Page Murray, vice president of marketing said. "We listened and will deliver a new category of mobile-computing product that will let customers fuse their own mix of personal and business content in ways never before possible in either handheld computers or smartphones."

PalmOne did not give a specific date for the release of the new PDA line, saying that it would be announced "later this month." However, reports on Friday indicated a May 18 release was likely.

"We'll bring to market a new type of product that simplifies our lives and makes work and play more productive and more fun," PalmOne's Murray said. "Stay tuned."

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