Gartenberg Becomes Microsoft Evangelist

One of the country's most well-known tech analysts has a new gig: evangelizing Microsoft.
Michael Gartenberg, who for the past five years worked for JupiterResearch, and prior to that had a seven year stint with Gartner, will join the Redmond company as an "enthusiast evangelist."
He will work with people such as Jeff Sandquist, who leads the teams who create Channel 9 and 10. One of Gartenberg's roles would be to create content for Channel 10.
His work will roughly approximate that of Robert Scoble, who left Microsoft for work with podcasting startup PodTech Network in June of last year.
"Jeff's helping to put together an interesting team," said Scoble.
Gartenberg says his decision to leave more has to do with a change in his goals, or going from a "babysitter" to being a "parent." In the analyst role, he could only spend short amounts of time with the technology, whereas in the evangelist role he will be able to surround himself with it.
"Whether it's work, school or home, Microsoft has the potential to change lives even more than they already have," he wrote in a web log entry Thursday. "Who else could deliver mission critical technology to the business world, create the best Smartphone operating system, build a successful platform for console games take on the iPod. All at the same time."
Not everybody was in agreement with his decision. "I, for one, am entirely disappointed. Your credibility just went into the crapper," a commenter named Jay responded. "You've become part of the MSFT's 'Ministry of Disinformation'; the new Scoble - only far more dangerous, as you are tremendously more literate and articulate. Microsoft chose well."