Former IBM Worker Sues Over Internet Addiction

An IBM employee who was dismissed by the company for visiting an adult-themed chat room while at work has decided to sue the company for $5 million. He claims he has become addicted to the Internet.

James Pacenza says his problems began after his stint in Vietnam in 1969. After his tour he developed post-traumatic stress disorder, and he frequented chat rooms to seek help for his condition.

Pacenza says the stress led him to a sex addition, and when the Internet became popular he began to develop an addiction to the Internet. However, his lawyers claim he never visited any pornographic Web sites while at work, and the firing was more about his age than the actual offense.

With the company for 19 years and 55 at the time of the incident, Pacenza would have been eligible for retirement in one year. IBM disputes this claim, saying the termination was for visiting sexual Web sites and had nothing to do with his age.

IBM testifies that it had warned Pacenza about his browsing habits and was only terminated after he was caught visiting "an Internet chat room for a sexual experience." It is seeking to have the case dismissed.

A fellow employee had spotted that Pacenza was in the chat room after he left his workstation without logging off. He was fired the next day, but is arguing that the move was too extreme.

Even stranger is Pacenza's defense, saying IBM had a lax policy on discipline for other offenses. Those with drug or alcohol problems are offered counseling. No mental health programs are offered IBM, and Pacenza says he was denied the right to appeal his dismissal.

IBM has declined to comment on the case.

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