Halo 3 Struggles to Impress Gamers

Microsoft's Halo 3 video game may not be the blockbuster some were hoping for: at preview events in both New York and San Francisco, the game was generally well-received, although some said it could be better.
Halo is one of Redmond's most successful gaming franchises ever, and the latest release of the first person shooter game is one of the most highly anticipated titles of the year. Microsoft will make available a public beta of the game starting Wednesday.
Attendees of the events seemed non-plussed by the demonstrations, telling Reuters that "the graphics could use some work," and it isn't a "standout" from other titles in the genre. Such comments could give Microsoft some pause, as they have a lot riding on the game.
Company executives hope that Halo 3 will spur sales of the Xbox 360, which is seeing increasingly fierce competition from its competitors, especially the Nintendo Wii. The title is to be released in the fall, right before the crucial holiday season.
Microsoft is comparing the buzz surrounding the release to two other major entertainment events this year, including the release of the new Harry Potter book and the release of the Spider-Man 3 movie.
Halo was largely responsible for making the first Xbox a success, and Halo 2 was a huge hit for the company, selling some 2.5 million copies in just the first day of availability. Microsoft expects a similar reception for the third installment.
The game features many enhancements over the last version, including the addition of real-world physics into game play and multiplayer action through Xbox Live.