Laptops With Both EV-DO and HSDPA Coming

While computer makers have for the past year been rolling out laptops with built-in 3G broadband services, customers were forced to make a choice between HSDPA, used by AT&T and soon T-Mobile, or EV-DO, used by Verizon, Sprint and Alltel. Qualcomm aims to change this with its new "Gobi" chipset.
The Gobi chip is compatible with both technologies, which could lead to its quick adoption by manufacturers - and potentially drive more consumer adoption of 3G services. Qualcomm says the chipset is available now, and expects consumers to see laptops with the dual capability by the second quarter of 2008. Gobi does not, however, support WiMAX, which is currently being tested by Sprint as a better -- and faster -- alternative to cellular-based 3G offerings.