Intel Ships 150,000 Classmate PCs to Libya

Intel and Microsoft have shipped out 150,000 low-cost computers to the Libyan government, the companies confirmed on Tuesday.
While it is also said the Libyan government is set to receive a shipment of some 1.2 million of the OLPC's version of the laptop, so far shipments have not started. Thus Intel and Microsoft have beaten their competitor to the punch, so to speak.
According to a Reuters report, the government ordered the 'Classmate PC' in August and shipments began last month. Rumors of the order appeared in Libyan press back in August, however neither company confirmed those reports outside of the country.
Intel is also shipping some 700,000 laptops to Allama Iqbal Open University in Pakistan, so far the largest order. The company also confirmed Tuesday that Nigeria will be ordering the devices, although they did not say how many would be shipped.
The Classmate PC is capable of running either the Windows or Linux operating systems. It includes a 900MHz processor, 256MB of RAM, 1GB of NAND flash storage, a touchpad, and optional digital pen for taking notes.
According to Intel, each PC costs about $200 to make, slightly more than that of the devices produced by OLPC.