Still too early to judge effect of PS3's price cut

NPD's sales numbers for the PlayStation 3 still show the console lagging its competitors badly, however it was before the price of the console dropped.
Sony cut prices on the PS3 on November 2, but the data is for the month of October. What can be gleaned from NPD's data is that Nintendo is likely selling its consoles as fast as they can ship them.
In the US, the company shipped 519,000 Wiis during the month, regaining the top spot from Microsoft, whose Xbox 360 sold the most during the month of September on the back of Halo 3.
The 366,000 Xbox 360s sold during the month likely were still buoyed by Microsoft's marquee gaming franchise, of which its 443,800 copies helped take the top spot among all software titles.
However, overall, the single best selling game was Guitar Hero 3, which sold some 1.4 million copies across all three consoles. NPD analyst Anita Frazier said that Activision's best-selling game had established itself as an "elite" video game property, and should be able to sell well through the holidays.
Coming in third was the PS3 with 121,000 consoles. However, its all but a certainty that this number will spike this month as consumers respond to the price cut and newer low-end PS3.
Sony's own data showed a 192 percent increase in PS3 sales following the price cut.