Sharp looks to Toshiba to strengthen LCD TV business

With competition ever more fierce in the LCD TV market, some retailers are finding the most viable option is to join forces.
Toshiba and Sharp this morning announced the expansion of their pre-existing accord in production, in a further effort to advance their market positions in the sector. As one example, Toshiba will use Sharp's LCD panels in its 32 inch and larger sets, while Sharp will use Toshiba's computer chips in its own televisions.
With consumers demanding bigger and more feature-rich components, it is imperative that both components be top-notch. Of course, we may only start to see the first hints of the fruits of their cooperation in January.
Both sides have agreed to share more technologies over the next several years, although details with regard to subject matter are still being negotiated.
With the deal, Toshiba will officially suspend its efforts to build a next-generation display based on its own OLED technology, instead opting to use technologies from Sharp, already one of the biggest manufacturers of LCD panels.