Blu-ray looks to spice up discs with Profile 2.0

The newest players coming out this fall will put interactivity at the forefront, putting the format on par with what HD DVD users had been enjoying for a long time.
Sony will be shipping two players that will be compatible with Profile 2.0: the BDP-S350, to be available in the summer for $399, and the BDP-S550 in the fall for $499. While the former would require a firmware update when Profile 2.0 ships, the latter would come with it preinstalled.
Along with the above two players, Sony says it will also be able to add Profile 2.0 support to the PS3 through a firmware update for that console.
HD DVD had been enjoying many of the features such as games, ringtones, chat, and the like since the format's inception through iHD. However, Blu-ray has long lagged behind in this aspect.
BD-Live hopes to change that. In any case, consumers need a reason to upgrade from standard DVD, and without much more than a better picture, many may bulk at paying a premium for the new technology. Then again, some may just be looking to play the movie and that's it. But it seems as if Sony is betting anyone willing to plunk down $300 or $400 for a player is looking for a little more than just that.