Sony looks to live shows to boost theater ticket sales

The movie studio is hoping to draw moviegoers to theaters by offering recorded live shows through a new program it's calling The Hot Ticket.
The first two will debut later this summer. Cirque du Soleil's "Delerium" will be the first to come to theaters, followed by the final Broadway performance of "Rent," set to close on September 7.
In order to make the events more exclusive, Sony will only give the showings a limited run. Typically this would be about one week, compared to weeks or months for the standard feature film.
Sony executives said that with digital cinema technology becoming the norm, entertainment providers will be able to provide more functionality such as live performances.
Distributing live events is nothing new. Regal was the first major theater chain to offer live performances, beginning with Coldplay's LIVE 2003 taped show in November 2003, and later with a live broadcast of Prince's Musicology concert from Los Angeles in March 2004.
NCM Fathom is also offering live shows to select theaters, including the Drum Corps International world championship quarterfinals, and live broadcasts of the Metropolitan Opera.