More HTC Dream details revealed through FCC

The latest FCC filings indicate the HTC Dream will be roughly the same length as the iPhone 3G, although slightly thinner.
An iPhone 3G measures in at 115.2 millimeters by 61.2 millimeters: the Dream will be 115 mm by 55 mm, according to documents that were available for a time through the FCC's Web site. No doubt HTC's Dream, widely believed to soon become the first "Googlephone," will likely be thicker than the iPhone since it will include a slide out QWERTY keyboard.
Reports continue to indicate that T-Mobile is set to be the first carrier for the Android-based HTC Dream, likely being announced next month with an October launch. The Dream's launch may also be set to coincide with T-Mobile's 3G rollout, which is rumored to be coming to about two dozen cities on October 1.
Indeed, the Dream is a 3G device, as well as bringing Wi-Fi/UMA capabilities, and GPS to the mix. T-Mobile is said to have a three month exclusive on the device, and will begin a multi-million dollar advertising campaign next month, according to Tmonews.
Data from HTC's filings with the FCC, obtained by BetaNews through its Web site, indicate it will be a quad-band GSM device, and will come in either a black or white color. Bluetooth 2.0 support with EDR is also included.
Pricing on the device is expected to be $149 during a special pre-sale to current customers, although the retail price should be $199 with a two year contract when it releases publicly, putting it on par with the iPhone 3G.
Unlike the iPhone plans, however, either possible option may come with some type of messaging bundle; for iPhone users, messaging carries an additional fee.