First betas of Digg-able advertising

Earlier this summer, Digg's Chief Revenue and Strategy officer Mike Maser announced the beta of Digg Ads, a novel advertising platform where readers rate ads and determine how much the advertisers has to pay. For example, an ad which has lots of Diggs will cost an advertiser much less than if an add is buried. Ads can be buried so much that they are priced out of the system.
This week, the site has begun the rollout of an early beta version of Digg Ads. For a select group of users, paid entries will begin to appear on the site. The only difference between these advertisements and traditional Digg entries is that the advertisements are marked as "sponsored", similar to sponsored results on search sites.
Maser said in the company's blog yesterday, "We're rolling Digg Ads out initially to small sets of users to help us test the product, so in the early stages many of you will not see them. We will continually iterate the product based on input from the community and our advertising partners. These changes will be rolled out over the course of the next several months, so expect to hear from us frequently on this topic as we work to create more compelling and innovative ads."