Android phones now as desirable as iPhones, study indicates

Data from research firm ChangeWave shows continuing momentum for the Google's mobile platform, with consumers now desiring a new phone based on Android vis a vis the iPhone. 37 percent of respondents who plan to purchase a phone in the next 90 days say they'd like an Android phone, versus 38 percent for the iPhone.
The iPhone 4 only briefly stopped consumers from flocking to Android when it launched in June of this year. As the hype has simmered down, consumer's desire for Android phones has heated up, however. In just one year, interest in the platform has increased six-fold, the firm found.
"We've seen huge leaps forward for the Android OS in four of the last five ChangeWave surveys," ChangeWave vice president Paul Carton said.
Android's success is coming as a direct result of the iPhone's drop in desirability. Just six months ago, half of all prospective smart phone buyers were planning on the device. Actual numbers are showing this: Google activates some 200,000 devices per day, and in terms of unit sales surpassed the iPhone back in the second quarter of this year.
What is the reasoning for Apple's fall? A multitude of obvious issues may be to blame. In the US, one of the biggest smart phone markets in the world, the iPhone is limited to a single carrier. Android on the other hand is available on all top five carriers. Android also has the benefit of multiple models: Apple only sells two, the iPhone 3GS and the iPhone 4.
Other factors may be at play, including the negative publicity as a result of the iPhone 4's antenna problems, and the issues Apple has faced in bringing the anticipated white iPhone 4 to the market. However, it is nearly impossible to gauge either's effect on overall sales.
There was some bright news for Apple in the survey, however: its iOS remained tops in customer satisfaction with 74 percent of all users reporting they're very satisfied. Android is not too far behind though, with 65 percent.