Sony debuts PSP's successor PlayStation Vita, $249

Shown in early previews as "NGP" or "Next Generation Portable," Sony officially announced the PlayStation Portable's successor will be called PlayStation Vita, and it will be available with AT&T 3G connectivity.
Sony's new portable combines the traditional dual-analog gamepad interface with a smartphone-like capacitive OLED touchscreen, and adds a rear-mounted touchpad, and sixaxis motion sensors for a versatile gaming experience. It is also equipped with a quad-core ARM Cortex A9 processor and an SGX 543MP4+ graphics processor.
Like mobile tablets, Vita will come in Wi-Fi only or Wi-Fi+3G models. The Wi-Fi model will be available for ¥24,980 in Japan, $249 in US and €249 in Europe, 3G/Wi-Fi model will be available for ¥29,980 in Japan, $299 in US and €299 in Europe starting in the 2011 holiday season.