Well, here's one way to get 3G Video Chat on the T-Mobile Nexus S

With Android 2.3.4, Google equipped its Google Talk app with video and voice chat support, which became a banner feature for the Nexus S on T-Mobile. Unfortunately, in May, T-Mobile began to block users from connecting to video chat over their 3G/4G connections, and only allowed users to connect while on Wi-Fi.
Meanwhile, T-Mobile's Video Chat by Qik, which lets users video chat over 3G, remains exclusive to the myTouch 4G, GalaxyTab, Dell Streak 7, Vibrant 4G, Sidekick 4G, and G2x.
Today telecommunications accessibility company Sorenson Communications announced its mobile VRS application ntouch Mobile is now compatible with T-Mobile's Nexus S and 3G service, meaning video chat is available over T-Mobile 3G for those who absolutely need it.
The catch, of course, is that VRS (video relay service) is not your usual video chat application. It's specifically designed for deaf, hard-of-hearing, or speech impaired individuals who communicate with sign language and want to communicate with people who do not. Signing into the service brings a sign language interpreter into the call between two people.
Though it is one of video chat's more established arenas, there are still few VRS options in the consumer mobile space.