AOKP Jelly Bean Build 1 is available -- get it NOW!

Android Open Kang Project, the team behind the popular custom Android distribution AOKP, has announced the availability of the first Android 4.1 Jelly Bean official build named Jelly Bean Build 1. The number of supported devices is currently limited to the Android smartphones used by the team behind the project, but it has been announced that availability will be extended once "things slow down" and new device maintainers will join the AOKP project.
Although there is no official changelog accompanying the release of the first official AOKP Jelly Bean build, some details are available as to what changes to expect from AOKP Jelly Bean Build 1.
According to the announcement, this is what it should include:
- Custom kernel performance options
- LED colors
- Lockscreen tweaks -- there are no custom targets at the moment
- Navigation bar modifications
- Notification Toggles
- Notification wallpapers
- Phone ringer modifications (Flip call to silent, silent/vibrate when headphones are in)
More features are included in AOKP Jelly Bean Build 1, but no specific details have been given at the moment. By the looks of it, there will be no official changelog because "we have nothing changed yet," but if you are interested in checking the latest updates on the project you can visit AOKP's Gerrit, which includes all the features added to the project.
The list of devices that are officially supported at the moment by AOKP Jelly Bean Build 1 is not extensive, including:
- Samsung/Google Galaxy Nexus -- GSM (maguro) and Verizon CDMA/LTE version (toro)
- Samsung Galaxy Nexus S (crespo)
- ASUS/Google Nexus 7 (grouper)
- Samsung Galaxy S III -- T-Mobile version (d2tmo)
- Samsung Galaxy S II -- T-Mobile version (hercules)
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 -- GT-P3113 version
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 -- GT-P5113 version
If you are "in the market" for a different operating system than the stock one on your Android smartphone now's as good a time as any. Android Open Kang Project has officially released Jelly Bean Build 1, and CyanogenMod team has announced the availability of the nightly builds for CyanogenMod 10, which is also based on Android 4.1 Jelly Bean. If you don't want to play with unstable Android builds, there is always CyanogenMod 9 which is a stable release but is based on the older Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich.
I always wanted a reason to root my Galaxy Nexus, and I think this might be it. Do you plan on installing any custom ROM, be it CyanogenMod or AOKP?