'Apple is greedy'

My son Fallon, who is six and still hasn’t lost any teeth, has a beef with Apple, iTunes, and the iOS App Store. "Apple is greedy", Fallon says. But he has come up with a way for the company to improve its manners through a revised business model.
Fallon would like to buy more apps for his iPod touch, but the good ones cost money (what Fallon calls computer money) and he has been burned in the past by apps that weren’t really as good as the reviews suggested, probably because the reviewers weren’t six.
"If I buy an app and I don’t like it, I want Apple to give me my money back", Fallon says. "Or maybe they can keep a little of it. Here’s my idea. If I buy an app and delete it in the first hour I get all my computer money back. If I delete it after a day Apple can keep 10 pennies from every dollar. If I delete it after two days Apple can keep 20 pennies. If I keep the app for 10 days or more I can’t get any money back".
"So it’s like renting to own?" I ask.
"Maybe. I’m not sure. Don’t ask me these things, Daddy, I’m just a kid".
This Apple doesn’t fall very far from the tree.
Reprinted with permission
Photo Credit: Liusa/Shutterstock