Win a chance to buy a pair of Google Glass specs

Select developers already have access to Google’s futuristic glasses, but now the search giant has launched a competition giving ordinary American citizens the chance to buy a pair before they’re launched, and become a "Glass Explorer" (as Google terms those "bold, creative individuals who want to help shape the technology").
To be in with a shot you need to tell Google, via Google+ or Twitter, what you would do with the glasses if you had a pair. The more creative your answer, the more likely the chance of you actually being selected. "Wear them on the subway and get mugged" probably won’t win.
Your answer has to be less than 50 words and tagged with #ifihadglass but you’re allowed to include up to five photos or a 15 second video clip, and can submit up to three entries. You will need to follow Google on Google+ (+ProjectGlass) or Twitter (@projectglass) so that you can be contacted if you’re judged worthy enough. Entries must be received by February 27.
Google will select the best 8,000 applications and invite those people to become Glass Explorers. The chosen will then have the opportunity to purchase a Glass device at a cost of $1,500 (plus taxes) and pick-up their purchases from New York, Los Angeles, or San Francisco. If you don’t live near any of those cities you’ll need to pay for your own travel, so being on the cutting edge could get pretty expensive.
If you've not been put off yet, go here to get all of the details on what is involved.