Updated YouTube joins Hulu Plus, Foursquare on Windows Phone

Microsoft fights an uphill battle against iOS and Android, but it is a war the company is determined to persevere in, especially given the latest TV ad, which is viral. Now within back-to-back days the mobile platform adds both Foursquare, Hulu and updated YouTube.
Today, an updated YouTube app joins the party, with Microsoft announcing a new version that allows pinning videos, playlists, channels, and search queries to Start as Live Tiles, gives new playlist design, plays videos in the background when the screen is locked (perfect for music videos) and makes easy video sharing to social sites. It even leverages the YouTube safety mode to keep the little ones from viewing unfit content. However, as my colleague Mihaita Bamburic points out, "You can't upload videos, sadly. That's a pretty basic feature, albeit one that's missing".
Before you get the impression that Microsoft and Google have mended fences and made nice with each other, let me explain. The new YouTube app is not produced by the Google team, but by Microsoft. Version 3.0 was released today, is free and is compatible with both Windows Phone 7.5 and 8.
Windows Phone fans also got another gift today, with Foursquare announcing an app for the handset. "We’ve been working closely with Nokia and Microsoft, and today, we’re finally taking the covers off a brand new version of Foursquare for Windows Phone 8, specially optimized for Nokia’s shiny new Lumia phones", the company tells us. This brings 33 million users with it, along with the ability to view maps, get insider tips and browse trending places.
Yesterday Hulu announced the premium video service, known as Plus, was launching on the Microsoft platform, telling us that its "team has been focused on creating a beautiful and comprehensive Hulu Plus experience that is optimized for Windows Phone 8". Clicking on the app will launch a panorama of clips, episodes and shows that are organized neatly, making for quick and easy access. Hulu Plus is free, but requires a subscription for content.