AT&T announces BB 10.1 update for branded BlackBerry Z10

US mobile operator AT&T just announced that BB 10.1 will finally be available for its branded BlackBerry Z10 handsets, nearly two months after the Canadian maker unveiled the latest operating system iteration.
Folks who have purchased the aforementioned variant of the smartphone can install the latest software version by heading to BlackBerry's "Software Download for AT&T" page and following the provided instructions. At the time of writing this article, however, the required BB 10.1 file is not yet available (AT&T says that it should be listed "starting today" -- Tuesday).
Twitter users have promptly reacted to the news, with JT Teran expressing his frustration on the late arrival: "@ATT f*%& you for taking this damn long", while Jon Robinson pointed out the unavailability of the upgrade to the US mobile operator: "@ATT ummm.... you can't download the update from that link. You know that, right?".
The BlackBerry 10.1 upgrade features a couple of significant new features such as improved cursor operation, customizable notifications, support for PIN to PIN direct messages between BB smartphones and HDR camera mode among others.