Newark element14 launches a heatsink for the Raspberry Pi

I’ve personally never had any great problems with my Raspberry Pi overheating, but then I work in a cool office and rarely push the uncased credit card-sized device to its limits.
If you do have problems with the ARM GNU/Linux computer getting a little too warm, the good news is you can now buy a heatsink for it.
The new product comes with a self-adhesive thermal layer offering thermal resistance of 25°C/W, and is designed specifically for the Pi’s CPU.
It offers simple, passive cooling, with no need for noisy fans, and has a low profile (13mm x 13mm x 10mm) so will fit inside most cases.
The new heatsink is available now to buy from Newark element14 and MCM in North America, Farnell element14 in Europe, CPC in the UK and Ireland and element14 in Asia Pacific. It's priced at $7.49, which my colleague Brian Fagioli points out is 21 percent of the cost of the device it's cooling...