AVG dumps LiveKive cloud backup service -- here’s what you need to do next

AVG has announced plans to discontinue its LiveKive cloud-based backup and sync service for Windows and Macs. The decision is unsurprising -- thanks to underwhelming reviews and fierce competition, it appears AVG has decided to concentrate its efforts on its core security products.

Existing LiveKive users won’t be cut adrift immediately, however: the service will continue as normal until April, and data won’t actually be deleted until August.

AVG has stated that from April, users will no longer be able to upload new files to their LiveKive accounts. Confusingly it’s stated that user files will be deleted on August 18, but that users will only be able to download their files for up to 90 days from the April cut-off date. The software is no longer featured on the AVG homepage.

AVG launched LiveKive back in 2011 using a rebadged version of the same client used by rival SpiderOak backup service. And SpiderOak is one alternative LiveKive users may want to consider going forward, although it only comes with 2GB free storage space.

Those looking to match or even exceed the free 5GB storage offered by LiveKive with a similar backup and sync feature set that works across multiple platforms will find plenty of alternatives. The first is Dropbox, which many only offer just 2GB free space when you start, but provides options for expanding this to 20GB through referrals and following various steps like using camera backup for mobile data.

Microsoft’s recently rebranded OneDrive service offers 7GB free off the bat with an opportunity to add up to 8GB more. Windows users might also want to look at Comodo cCloud, which comes with 10GB free storage, while Kim Dotcom’s MEGAsync offers a whopping 50GB free space, subject to various bandwidth limitations. Mac and Linux versions are promised soon alongside the existing Windows and mobile builds.

All of these alternatives offer paid-for plans too, but the end result is this: while AVG’s decision will inconvenience existing LiveKive users, the alternatives make switching a simple process, offering identical (or even superior) functionality as well as more free storage. Just don’t wait until the last minute before making your move…

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