The faces behind the biggest apps in the world [infographic]

Whatever your mobile platform of choice, there are some apps which are all but impossible to avoid. Some -- like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube -- have reasonably dull histories; we all know the corporations behind their creation. But there are plenty of other big names with less well known histories. A new infographic from reveals the stories behind some famous titles, and reveal the fortunes they have generated.
For example, did you know that Flappy Bird was originally going to be called Flap Flap, and was put together in just two days? Or that the founder of Summly was just 17 years old when he sold his app to Yahoo? How about the fact that the Ukrainian developer of WhatsApp is estimated to be worth $7 billion?
The facts, figures, and faces behind some of the biggest apps in the world are revealed in's infographic. So, fact fans, don some comfortable attire and prepare to drink at the fountain of geek as we meet the frugal fortune-makers, the billionaires who spent a fortune to get up and running, and the unlikely heroes behind the apps you know and love.
Photo credit: Shutter_M / Shutterstock