Working in IT is getting more stressful

Do you feel more stressed at work? If your job is in IT then the answer is probably yes, according to a new survey from security and email specialist GFI Software.
The study of over 200 IT administrators in the US finds that 78 percent of those surveyed experience workplace stress, while almost 82 percent of respondents are actively considering leaving their current IT job due to workplace stress and dissatisfaction with working conditions, up from 78.5 percent in 2014.
Key findings include that 45 percent of respondents have missed social functions due to overrunning issues and tight deadlines at work, up from 38 percent in 2014. A further 40 percent also report missing time with their children due to work demands eating into their personal time.
Losing sleep due to work pressure is reported by 38 percent of IT staff and the number of respondents experiencing stress related illnesses increased slightly, to 27 percent from 25 percent in 2014. A further 19 percent continue to report feeling in poor physical condition due to work demands, up two percent from last year.
More than 25 percent report that a relationship or friendship has failed or been severely damaged due to work commitments intruding on personal life.
"Even in an industry like IT that's well-known for being extremely stressful and highly demanding of its workforce, the findings of this year's IT Stress Survey makes for worrying reading. The 2015 survey results clearly show a substantial deterioration of the work/life balance and job satisfaction among the US IT workforce -- quite concerning at a time when the IT sector is playing such a pivotal role in the growth of our economy," says Sergio Galindo, general manager of GFI Software.
The biggest driver of stress is cited by 28 percent as unreasonable demands and pressure from management, though this is down from 36 percent last year. Stress caused by end users is increasing, however, rising from 16 percent last year to 23 percent.
Galindo adds, "Smart employers understand that an over-stressed and unhappy workforce means less productivity, and the higher levels of illness, mistakes and staff turnover directly related to stress can have a very significant and direct cost to the bottom line. Investing in worker happiness and in systems to simplify the job of the IT department is often far cheaper than replacing over-stressed or unhappy staff".
More information along with the full report is available from the GFI website and there's a summary of the results in infographic form below.
Photo Credit: sunabesyou/Shutterstock