Google confirms the next version of Android is Marshmallow

Although Google has been dropping some very heavy hints lately, we didn’t know exactly what sweet treat the next version of its Android operating system would be named after.
Well, if you were hoping to place a bet on "M&Ms" (or go for a truly outside flutter on "Maltodextrin"), you’re too late I’m afraid, and also lucky as you’d have lost your stake. M, Google says, is for Marshmallow.
Today, as well as revealing the official name, Google also introduces the official Android 6.0 SDK and opens up Google Play for developers to publish apps that target the new API level 23 in the mobile OS.
New in Android Marshmallow are exciting features such as fingerprint support and Doze power saving mode. There’s also a new permissions model that lets you choose which functions you want to allow an app access to. The new model "streamlines the app install and update process", according to Google.
Samsung put out a handy infographic a few days ago which detailed all of the new features and you can see that here.
Developers will want to check out the latest blog post revealing the new name and technical details.
If you’re trying to recall all of the previous sweet names given to the various iterations of Android, we’ve got you covered:
- Alpha
- Beta
- Cupcake
- Donut
- Eclair
- Froyo
- Gingerbread
- Honeycomb
- Ice Cream Sandwich
- Jelly Bean
- KitKat
- Lollipop
- Marshmallow
It’s far too early to begin to guess what Android "N" might be, but feel to post your suggestions in the comments below anyway.