Microsoft is the number one employer for Workforce Diversity

Diversity is the current weapon tech companies are using to bludgeon each other with -- Twitter has even gone as far as publishing its goals. Facebook fails in this department while Apple, ever the master of spin, is keen to present itself in the best possible light. For many on the outside looking in, diversity is little more than an exercise in PR, but that's not going to stop companies celebrating wins here and there.
The latest win is for Microsoft. For the second year running, the company has been voted the number one employer by readers of Workforce Diversity for Engineering & IT Professionals magazine. Clearly this is something of a niche publication, but given its specialization, it’s a crown that Microsoft is only too happy to wear.
Described as "the first magazine published for the professional, diversified high-tech workforce, which encompasses everyone, including women, members of minority groups, people with disabilities, and non-disabled white males to advance in the diversified working community", Workforce Diversity has been surveying its readers about employers for the past 14 years. In 2014 Microsoft also topped the charts, pushing Boeing and Apple back into second and third places respectively.
Writing on the Microsoft Blog, Suzanne Choney says:
Readers selected the top companies in the country for which they would most prefer to work, or believe would provide a positive working environment for engineers and IT professionals who are members of minority groups.
This list is the result of an annual survey mailed to randomly selected readers of Workforce Diversity for Engineering & IT Professionals magazine.
Although we know that Microsoft occupies the number one slot, we don’t yet know how other companies have fared. The full list for 2015 is due to be published on 8 September.
Photo credit: Guenter Albers / Shutterstock