Act now! You only have this weekend to save your free OneDrive storage before Microsoft takes it away for good

Free online storage space is something many of us really appreciate. Quotas are usually so generous that’s there’s rarely a need to spend money on a paid subscription.
However, Microsoft recently announced plans to cut back on the amount of free storage offered to OneDrive users. As a recap, the base storage will drop from 15GB to 5GB, the 15 GB camera roll storage bonus is being discontinued, Office 365 Home, Personal, or University users will no longer get unlimited storage, and some paid tiers are going away also.
After an outcry from disappointed OneDrive users, Microsoft backtracked and permitted users with 15GB of OneDrive space to keep their base storage quota and camera roll bonus, even after the changes roll out. There is a catch though.
This is an opt-in offer with a time limit and you need to act before the end of January 31 to secure your free storage. Delay, and it will be gone for good.
The good news is saving your space is incredibly easy. All you have to do is go here and click the "Keep your free storage" button. That’s it.
So what are you waiting for? Go do it now before you forget and it's too late.
Photo credit: sarahdesign / Shutterstock