Firefox OS is leaving handsets but moving on to IoT

Have we heard enough about the Internet of Things yet, or is it only just the tip of the iceberg? There are more players in this game all the time, and the latest is Mozilla. Yes, the folks who produce the Firefox web browser, among other things.
The move isn't entirely new, the organization alluded to moving its operating system here already. To date Mozilla has been testing products to bring into the fold, and it is moving forward with its plans.
According to the organization "As of today, we have a good set of projects that have passed the first gate, including more SmartTV work (building on the success of our work with Panasonic in this space) and new opportunities such as FoxLink (a personal Web of Things) and Vaani. We’re working to open up this innovation process to non-staff participation soon".
Vanni is an Echo-like AI device that Mozilla has big plans for, as you can see in the video below. It can answer your questions and control home automation.
The Boot to Gecko platform will also continue moving forward and remain open source to allow developers to work with it and come up with innovative ideas.
It remains to be seen how much traction this gets, but it seems that Mozilla is off to a solid start.
Photo Credit: bergserg/ Shutterstock